Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I like to like to Party!

So, I've been working on the coloring book.  It's coming along, but I don't want to post anything more of it yet, until it's done (deadline end of the month).

I've also been working on a comic called The Time Traveling Accountant, starring Frank Hank.  It's a silly idea I've had for a while, and my buddy/co-conspirator, Geoff, is going to collaborate on it with me.  Hopefully, he'll make it better written than what I would have written.

If I have any say, and I do, he'll never make a normal face.

Also, just for my own amusement:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Coloring book

Oh hey, I didn't see you there!  I've been working a lot on the coloring book, and not too much else.  Therefore, I'm going to post a little sneak peek!

Neil is at a Mustache Party!!

I'm still working on the comic, and I think that it's coming along nicely.  A couple of us are going to start to work on a podcast soon, and when that is up and running, I'll put up a link.

Monday, August 2, 2010


This is the villain from the Time Traveling Accountant.
He's a straight-forward guy.  No hiding what he's thinking.

I'm also working on a coloring book for Koo Koo Kanga Roo! They are the best band ever, as far as I'm concerned.  You should check them out.