Sunday, May 23, 2010

Koo Koo Sketches

Some of you may be aware that I'm a fan of Koo Koo Kangaroo.  I've been doing a lot of sketches of them recently, because I want to do some animations of them.  They're so high energy that they can whip most of the audience up into a happy frenzy.
They have this great song called "AOA" that I just adore.  These were pen sketches done on tiny index cards.

A bunch of sketches put together from my small travel sketchbook.  My favorite is probably Neil in the bottom right, crouched down.  He looks furious.

I dunno how many people watch Adult Swim, but I caught that new Steve Bruhl show earlier this week/month.  It's awkwardly funny. (I made this joke picture based on the episode.  He interviews this doctor and says "I'm a doctor too, you dinghis".  So, since he was in that Vampire Apprentice movie...I couldn't resist.).

Now that the text heavy post is over, I'll stop.  More stuff to come!

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